
Investing in Your 20s 30s For Dummies

Quyển sách dạy về đầu tư tài chính, chứng khoán dành cho lứa tuổi 20 - 30.

Đặt in thành sách tại HoaXanh, xem sách in mẩu trong video bên dưới.

  • 155,000đ
  • Mã sản phẩm: IN6731
  • Tình trạng: 2

This hands-on, friendly guide provides you with the targeted financial advice you need to establish firm financial footing in your 20s and 30s and to secure your finances for years to come. When it comes to protecting your financial future, starting sooner rather than later is the smartest thing you can do. Also check out Personal Finance For Dummies.

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