Trading For Dummies, 4th Edition
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- 150,000đ
- Mã sản phẩm: TR5333
- Tình trạng: 2
Getting Started with Trading.
The Ups and Downs of Trading Stocks.
Exploring Markets and Stock Exchanges.
Going for Broke(r): Discovering Brokerage Options.
Putting Your Key Business Tool to Work: The Computer.
Reading the Fundamentals: Fundamental Analysis.
Fundamentals 101: Observing Market Behavior.
Digging Into Fundamental Analysis.
Listening to Analyst Calls.
Reading the Charts: Technical Analysis.
Seeing Is Believing: An Introduction to Technical Analysis .
Reading Bar Charts Is Easy (Really) .
Following Trends to Boost Your Probability of Success.
Calculating Indicators and Oscillators.
Developing Strategies for When to Buy and Sell Stocks.
Money Management Techniques: Building a More Robust Portfolio.
Combining Fundamental and Technical Analyses for Optimum Strategy .
Minimizing Trading Risks Using Exchange-Traded Funds.
Executing Your Trades.
Developing Your Own Powerful Trading System .
Risk-Taker’s Paradise.
The Basics of Swing Trading.
The Basics of Day Trading.
Doing It by Derivatives.
Going Foreign (Forex).
The Part of Tens.
More Than Ten Huge Trading Mistakes.
Ten Trading Survival Techniques.